Flight Plan: Jodie Foster plays Kyle who gets on a plane she helped design and her 6 year old daughter vanishes during the flight. Nobody on board seems to have ever seen the child get on board and Kyle does not have a boarding pass for her daughter. Kyle had just lost her husband very traumatically and was coming back to the states with his casket for the funeral. The thought of the flight captain and the air marshal on board is that she is hallucinating that she even has a daughter. The plot then takes a turn, then a twist, then jumps over the line of believability before turning around so they can wave back at the viewers - thanking them for the cash they just blew on this movie. To top off the already BAD ending to the movie we are treated to one of the most laughable scenes in some time. As Foster gets out of the plane - dramatic smoke all around her, the people on the runway stunned at what they are seeing deliver a very corny line…….this was something out of a cheesy 80’s movie. I am shocked all involved let that scene make it to the final cut. Coming from a big Jodie Foster fan – boooooo
* and a ½
If this movie had Parents they would be: Panic Room and The Forgotten
With a running time of 98 minutes
This film is rated PG-13