The Family Stone: Not the most original idea for a movie – The Stone Family all come together for their Christmas celebration every year, this time the oldest son is bringing his uptight girlfriend played by Sarah Jessica Parker. What surprised me the most was the script was much more serious than the previews led you to believe. The movie opens with almost all comedy, but slowly turns into a drama. The movie has a huge cast -besides SJP, we have Luke Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Claire Danes, Craig T Nelson and Diane Keaton as the mother. The highlight of the afore mentioned is Luke Wilson, who plays a sort of hippie, care free brother -> Wilson doing what he does best. The characters, as much as they are cliché – actually work! - Thumbs up to the casting director (Mindy Marin). Unfortunately the movie could not avoid the “Oh So Typical, Everything Works Out” movie making premise. I would have like to see a few changes/surprises in the script which would have made the movie that much stronger.
* * *If this movie had parents they would be: Home for the Holidays & Pieces of AprilWith a running time of 113 minutes
This film is rated PG-13