Superman Returns: It has been 19 years since the last time we saw the man of steel on the big screen. The year was 1987 and we were on Superman #4 – still played by the late Christopher Reeve (the True Superman). All would agree the series went WAY down hill after the second installment. So director Bryan Singer picks up the story after the 2nd superman – acting as if the other 2 never happened. It is important that one knows this going in, because the story revolves around the love between Superman and Lois Lane from the past movie. I am glad to report that the series is back to the level it should be at. Lately the trend in superhero movies is to make them darker and in an odd way – more realistic. This superman instead pays tribute to, and glorifies the rich history of past superman episodes. There is a little nod to the comic books, to smallville, and the 1st two superman movies…..I found all this fantastic. As for the new actors – Brandon Routh is our new man in the red cape, he does an excellent job as both Clark and superman…..although he pulls off a much better superman than the clumsy Clark Kent. Kate Bosworth plays Lois Lane and is nothing outstanding, but serviceable. Kevin Spacey comes in to play an excellent Lex Luther, he is evil, but has enough fun with the role to give it the perfect balance. The Action sequences are all on a grand scale especially the 1st in which superman makes his return known. Yes I knew I would get see some great action, but what I was surprised by the most was how this film is much more a drama than anything else. Prepare yourself for a longer…more in depth superman. A dramatic and stunning moment near the end of the film gives all the reason this series should have returned. An undertone of the movie is why the world needs superman, as a fan of movies….I sure am glad he is back!!!!
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If this movie had parents they would be: Superman II and Spiderman II
With a running time of 154 minutes
This film is rated PG-13