The Lake House: Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock team up for the first time since Speed…..the result = Who Cares? The premise for the movie is what made me give this a spin. Reeves’ plays Alex, an architect living in the year 2004. Bullock plays Kate, a doctor who is living in the year 2006. She just moved out of the lake house and left a letter for the next tenant (very common I’m sure), supernaturally the letter goes to Alex in the year 2004 who is currently living in the same lake house. Does he just throw the letter out and never think of it again like most guys would do…..of course not – he writes a very thoughtful letter back(very common I’m sure). Again supernaturally it goes to Kate in 2006. They become the best pen pals ever – falling in love in fact. Even though they are 2 years apart Kate can remember where she was on certain days in the year 2004 and so Alex actually comes into contact with the 2004 Kate, who is unaware of the 2006 Kate who is writing these letters (has not happened to her yet, but has for him). Whenever you have a time travel / supernatural premise you are opening a huge can of worms. I mean why wasn’t Kate in 2006 giving Alex in 2004 sports scores of games about to happen in 2004 - duh? Seriously – there are always flaws with the time travel premise and the Lake house has plenty of them. The other major flaw the movie has is Keanu Reeves; I mean who is the genius that says “Lets cast Keanu in a role where he is not wearing a black trench coat and does not say "whoa" – people will think he is a real actor”. Even though the movie was full of flaws I still give it credit on the creativity side – in the right hands this movie could have been outstanding.
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If this movie had parents they would be: Frequency & Back to the Future 2
With a run time of 105 minutes
This film is rated PG