Flags of Our Fathers: Clint Eastwood’s latest directorial effort is the highly anticipated adaptation of the best selling novel of the same name. Flags tells the story of the famous picture taken of the six marines who raised the American flag on top of Iwo Jima. The picture became famous instantly back home in the states and was used everywhere to show US victory. It also was a way of drawing up more support for the war, thus selling more war bonds to keep the fire burning. Wanting to put faces to the picture, the army and US government flew the 3 surviving marines from the picture back to the states. Once home they did a city to city publicity tour for the army to raise money. Problem is, were these 3 marines even in the picture? Were there multiple pictures taken?
The film is shown in three different aspects – One, we see the 3 marines making the publicity tour around the country. Secondly we have the marines when they are older telling their story. Finally, we have flashbacks to the invasion of Iwo Jima. The war scenes here are up to par with Saving Private Ryan, showing the brutality of war and the sacrifices made. The movie jumps back and forth between the different aspects, which I felt hurt the emotional impact of the movie. I also found the musical score which was also written by Eastwood, not up to par with the epic story. The acting is adequate, nothing noteworthy, but not distracting either - which is good when we have Ryan Phillippe in the cast. Coincidently the film stays away from that “one emotional peak in the story” that will really draw you in. Instead the movie plays out like the message it tells, that there is no “one” or “six” heroes that should be singled out and celebrated when it comes to the horror of war.
* * * or Grade: B
If this movie had parents they would be: Saving Private Ryan & Born on the 4th of July
With a running time of 132 minutes
This film is rated R