Hyde Park on Hudson: Bill Murray playing president FDR in 1939 during King George VI visit to America is enough to peak anyone’s interest. We are not use to seeing Murray portray any nonfictional characters much less a president of the United States.
He did a wonderful job, but at times I still wanted him to be “Bill Murray” on screen more than I wanted to see him try to be FDR. The story is based on true events concerning the 1
st ever visit to America by a King and Queen of England. The stammering King George VI was here to gain U.S. support for World War II. FDR decided to have them out at his summer home in Hyde Park for a casual gathering. Having cocktails before dinner and serving hot dogs at a picnic was just a couple of controversial choices made by the president during their visit.
It might be looked at as trying to belittle the King and Queen or seen as a way to bring the countries together. This side of the story worked, however it was overshadowed by a storyline that did not. Laura Linney plays Daisy a distant cousin of FDR that actually goes on to have a love affair with him. She spends many days at the Hyde Park house while FDR is there. She is crushed to find out that she is not the only woman he is seeing. The film more or less celebrates the fact that FDR had affairs with multiple women.
That just felt wrong to me. Not to mention I thought Laura Linney’s character came off like a bump on a log. They should have focused much more on the King’s visit and less on the love affair.
Rythemovieguy’s Grade: 2 Jaws / C+
If this movie had parents they would be The King's Speech & An Affair to Remember