Mud: Matthew McConaughey plays the title character Mud, a drifter of sorts who is living in an old abandon boat that is actually stuck in a tree. The film is set in rural Arkansas along the Mississippi river. The setting and characters are so rich and interesting, you can't help but get involved in the tale. Two young boys stumble across Mud when they go to investigate the abandon boat themselves. An unlikely friendship is formed between the boys and the shifty stranger. After hearing Mud’s story explaining why he is living on this river island and avoiding town, the boys agree to help him get the boat fixed up for him to set sail. They also agree to help him track down his girlfriend played by Reese Witherspoon who is in town waiting to hear from Mud. She is not the only one looking for him however as there is a bounty on his head. The story reminded me of the great coming of age movie Stand By Me – which can only be a good thing. Like director Jeff Nichol’s past two films Take Shelter and Shotgun Stories the characters are so well written and so well played that you can’t help but care about them by the end of the film. In a time of movie sequels galore, I loved the unique story and setting. McConaughey continues the roll he is on with another outstanding performance. This is one of the best independent films of 2013!
Rythemovieguy’s Grade: 3.5 Jaws
If this movie had parents they would be: Stand By Me & One Crazy Summer
The Great Gatsby: Calling it the “Great” Gatsby is a bit of false advertising as this latest adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald is decent at best. The movie tells the story of the mysterious Gatsby who throws outrageous parties – in fact Gatsby’s parties are right up there with Thornton Melon’s from Back to School. He is doing this to catch the attention of his past love Daisy ( Carrie Mulligan) who lives across the bay. They are finally reunited, but can they erase the past enough to have a future together, that is the actual mystery. What had me excited from the time I heard Baz Luhrmann was directing was the lavish party scenes he would bring to life. However, while they were fun to take in….it was nothing close to the wonder we saw in Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge. The story is told through Gatsby’s next store neighbor Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) who gives a serviceable job. The movie really belongs to DiCaprio who I thought was fantastic as Gatsby and Joel Edgerton who was equally great as Daisy’s husband Tom. The film missed its mark emotionally – I was never drawn in by Daisy and Gatsby’s romance. While I enjoyed watching this classic novel unfold on screen, I found myself wanting to care more about the fate of the characters involved. Great Gatsby? NO – More like Decent Gatsby....
Rythemovieguy’s Grade: 2.5 Jaws
If this movie had parents they would be: Moulin Rouge & The Talented Mr. Ripley