Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Apocalypto: Mel Gibson directs this look at the decline of the Mayan empire. The film is violent, but has plenty of heart. No “name actors” are in the film and the dialogue is entirely in Mayan with English subtitles. This does not however mean the film is not an action packed, “edge of your seat” drama, because it is just that. The attention to detail in this movie is simply stunning – the costumes, makeup, jewelry, piercings, and tattoos are so meticulous. It would be fun to just watch the people on screen even if there was no story – that is how real it all felt. Nevertheless the film has an excellent story with superb action sequences. At the beginning of the film, we are introduced to a Mayan tribe and given a glimpse of their lives. The main characters are introduced and then further developed allowing the audience to identify with these villagers. All is good until their village is raided by another tribe. The story then takes us through the forests and on to the Mayan temples, giving us a fascinating look at this past civilization. Some of the scenes are jaw dropping for both their violence and just the scope of the film itself. The film then turns into a heart pounding chase / survival story. Mel Gibson has really given us an authentic look at a civilization gone "bye". The only part of the film I found out of place was when one of the Mayans called another Mayan a Jew – then started to point and laugh at him………strange. Seriously, Gibson gives a film on the scale of his award winning Braveheart, it was just missing some of the emotion William Wallace brought to the screen.
* * * and a ½ or Grade: A-

If this movie had parents they would be: Last of the Mohicans & Rambo, First Blood part 2

With a running time of 135 minutes
This film is rated R

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blood Diamond

Blood Diamond: An action packed drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. The topic is one that needed to be brought to the big screen to make people aware of the devastation the diamond trade is causing in Africa. Set in the country of Sierra Leone during the 1990s - DiCaprio plays Danny Archer, a diamond smuggler who while in prison learns of a rare diamond that was found and hidden in the diamond fields. Solomon (Hounsou) plays a poor fisherman who hid the rare stone which he found while being forced to work in the diamond fields. He agrees to lead Danny Archer to the diamond, in return he wants Archer's help to find his family which was torn apart when his village was raided. The movie is filled with action, more so than I expected (but that was a good thing). The film also opens our eyes to the blood being shed over the diamond trade in Africa. Villages are raided by warlords who steal their children to join their militia. These children learn to kill at around the age of 10 – very disturbing. This is all done so they can smuggle diamonds and help finance the purchase of weapons to fuel the ongoing civil war. The acting by both DiCaprio and Hounsou is exceptional. The story drives home its point and may actually go a little over the top in the final scenes. Stories about these kinds of topics need to be made – having the film be as entertaining and powerful as it is ….is a bonus. Note: Guys if you are thinking of popping the question this Christmas consider seeing this movie before buying an overpriced and surprisingly common diamond.
* * * and ½ or Grade: A-

If this movie had parents they would be: The Constant Gardner & Romancing the Stone

With a running time of 128 minutes
This film is rated R