Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cloud Atlas Review

Cloud Atlas: “Everything is connected” – This is the main theme in this ambitious new film from Tom Tykwer, Andy Wachowski, and Lana Wachowski. The story spans thousands of years over six different storylines. The large cast, including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Hugh Grant, Jim Broadbent all play multiple characters throughout the film. Tom Hanks (6 different roles) for instance, plays characters whose soul makes a complete cycle from killer to hero. Other big ideas are introduced, such as how an act of kindness can have a ripple effect that can change lives for hundreds of years. We are treated to many different genres, from drama to comedy to mystery to sci-fi; this is truly an epic film. Although there are some clear crossovers between the storylines, for the most part they stand alone. It is the themes that crossover and connect in different ways. I found the cinematography to be downright gorgeous at points. I also loved the score, it is big, beautiful, and connects with the emotions of the movie perfectly. The Wachowskis explained in a Q&A after the screening how they adopted this complex book from David Mitchell to the big screen. One of the big changes was interlacing all the storylines together, whereas the book sticks with 1 storyline at a time. I have to compliment them on how well the movie flowed; it was easy to follow and kept each storyline on the same pace. This is not a film that has a definitive conclusion, instead it offers big ideas and grand themes that you can reflect on for hours after the screening. See it in the theater, open your mind, and enjoy.

(RytheMovieGuy with Lana Wachowski). After the screening Lana also explained that the three directors worked as a unit. Instead of each directing certain segments, they worked as a team directing the movie as a whole. (The DGA made them put credits at the end to the contrary).

Rythemovieguy's Grade: 3.5 Jaws / B+

If This movie had parents they would be: Babel & Solaris


  1. currently reading this. It sounds as if they did quite a bit to make the plot better.

    Hope you plan on taking part in the Scare Me! Blogfest.

  2. Have not read the book - but I want to SEE THIS ONE. Any "bullet time" moments?

  3. Good review Ry. This movie definitely isn’t as smart or mind-boggling as it may think, but it sure as hell is entertaining to watch and I couldn’t keep my eyes away from the screen. It was weird, though, because I didn’t really feel anything when it was all over.
