The Social Network:...a.k.a. The Facebook movie: In the fall of 2003 Mark Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard, sat at his computer in his dorm room and created a site that changed the way the world would communicate forever. If the story was that simple we would not have much of a movie and Mark Zuckerberg would not have been sued for 600 Million dollars by his best friend. The film opens up with Zuckerberg (played by Jessie Eisenberg) sitting with his then girlfriend at a restaurant on campus. The dialogue exchanged by the two characters is hilarious, fast paced, and insightful. We instantly have an understanding that Mark Zuckerberg has a yearning to be accepted. When he is approached with an opportunity to help develop a website for some classmates a light bulb goes off. Zuckerberg asks his best friend Eduardo Saverin to fund a new project of his called "The Facebook". Once the website takes off there are question marks on who deserves credit for what.....hence some major lawsuits. The movie jumps back and forth between the two lawsuits against Zuckerberg and to the time when he was creating the website. Eisenberg does an excellent job of portraying a young man who is emotionally disconnected from his friends and obsessed with creating something larger than life. He carries this film from start to finish and is ultimately the reason the movie works so well. The script is also superb, with humor laced throughout....I found this movie to be much funnier than expected. The score is done by Trent Reznor (yes, Nine Inch Nails Trent). The music supplies a dark undertone to the story and conveys the idea that something is being created that is larger than anyone expects. The only element I wanted to see explored more was the impact Facebook has had on society. This is an interesting and poignant story that is well told and entertaining......I think I will hit the "Like Button" on the film's fan page.
Rythemovieguy's Grade: B
If This Movie Had Parents they would be: War Games & Real Genius
Though I have seen so many movies but this is new to me. I have never heard of it earlier. But after reading your post I am pretty excited to watch it as it appeals to me. Thanks