Monday, March 20, 2006

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta: This movie is based on a graphic novel where Britain is a totalitarian society. We are introduced to a masked “freedom fighter”/”terrorist” known only as V. His philosophy is that people should not be afraid of their government, but that a government should be afraid of their people. To get his “revolution” started he initiates Terrorist activity of blowing up symbolic buildings and statues while also killing certain individuals involved in the government. Along the way he befriends Evey (played by Natalie Portman), her parents both died when she was young standing up to the government and their totalitarian ways. It takes time for Evey to buy into V’s way of thinking and how he gets his point across, but finally she does. The movie is filled with messages. It is also filled with some nifty special effects, although if that is what you are going in for you may be disappointed as the action scenes are spread out and scarce. The movie does a lot right – Mainly, opening up the story right away and then slowly peeling away more to show even deeper meaning. The Wachowski brothers have done “good” again. I must note that this film does have the second best usage of the 1812 Overture, second of course to the ending of Caddyshack.
* * *

If this movie had parents they would be: Fight Club & Phantom of the Opera – minus the singing.

With a run time of 132 minutes
This film is rated R

1 comment:

  1. I thought this movie showed great courage, as many did not believe the blowing up parliament could rise any positives from the critics. One of the best movies I have seen in a while.
