Friday, October 06, 2006

Stranger Than Fiction (opens Nov 10th)

Stranger Than Fiction: Will Ferrell makes the transition from comedy to ……heartfelt dramedy in Marc Foster’s new movie. The story is very imaginative – Ferrell plays Harold Crick, a lonely tax auditor who one day starts to hear a voice of a narrator, who is actually narrating his life. He is the only one who can hear her and everything the narrator says is right on. The comedy scenes here are played perfectly by Ferrell. The film jumps to more of a drama when the narrator hints at what is about to happen to Harold Crick’s life. This leads Harold to seek out a literary theorist, played by Dustin Hoffman. Also in the mix is a love interest that Harold is in the middle of auditing – Plus we are introduced to the Narrator of Harold Crick's life (Emma Thompson) who is actually a living author writing a book whose main character is named……..Harold Crick. Shake all this together and you pour out one hell of an entertaining movie. The film works on all levels, from well written comedy to bizarre comedy to plain silly comedy – it is all there. We also see Ferrell move up to a new level in some of the more dramatic scenes in the film, which might be hard for some fans of Will Ferrell’s Anchorman type movies to understand. I could feel people wanted to laugh at everything Ferrell does even when it is not appropriate – (also known as the Jim Carrey Factor). This film will not only make you laugh, but it will tug at your heart and will also make you think – Bravo
* * * and ½

If this movie had parents they would be: Adaptation and 12 Monkeys

With a running time of 113 minutes
This film is rated R


  1. I'm definitely looking forward to this one .. when they showed the trailer before "School for Scoundrels" I lauged at least five times, four more than I did through the entire lousy movie that followed!

  2. Not really sure how I ended up here, but pretty decent review, gonna link my blog to yours and hope you do the same... later
