Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Letters From Iwo Jima

Letters From Iwo Jima: Clint Eastwood found himself so immersed in the story of Flags of Our Fathers, that he figured the only way to do the whole story justice was to tell it from both sides. The film depicts the battle at Iwo Jima from the Japanese perspective (told in Japanese with English subtitles). It opens up with the Japanese military on the island preparing for the American invasion by digging out caves and ditches. The Japanese commander, General Kuribayashi (Ken Watanabe) is informed upon his arrival that supplies, ammunition, food, and soldiers are running low and would not be replenished or reinforced. His mission, along with all of the Japanese on the island, is to hold the Americans from taking control of the island all knowing very well it is not a matter of winning, but delaying the inevitable. They all made the ultimate sacrifice to keep their homeland sacred if only for a few extra days. The beauty of the movie is its ability to show that neither side was a “dark enemy”. Both sides were doing what they felt was right. The movie itself is shot in a blue gray tint, with very little color, showing how colorless and cold blooded war is. I did however find the story to move at a slow pace, keeping me from becoming too emotionally involved. It also failed to “wow” me at any point – going into a film like this you expect a “wow” moment. Along with Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima is an excellent account of a historical battle, but I found myself wanting a little more from both.
* * * or Grade: B-

If this movie had parents they would be: Flags of Our Fathers & Tora! Tora! Tora!

With a running time of 140 minutes
This film is rated R

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