Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Coach Carter

Coach Carter: Samuel L. Jackson stars as the coach in this story about a school of inner city kids in Richmond, California. What I liked about the movie is the message – Coach Carter comes into the basketball program not only to coach basketball, but to set standards for these kids to go to college. He has them sign contracts to maintain grades in school and really installs the idea that there is much more to achieve in life than being able to dribble a basketball. He goes to deep measures to make sure the kids get the message and in the mean time makes national news. As for what I didn’t like -- just about all of the acting…..Jackson was over the top, the kids were blah and the crowd reaction shots to the game action was laughable. Still this movie is based on a true story…..and a good story at that.
* * and ½

With a running time of 128minutes
This film is rated PG-13

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